Provo Canyon Couples Session

This session was set up by a photography friend of mine for both of us to practice. I was so grateful for the invite and honestly, it was a great session! I learned a lot. I love that Eden and Tommy were willing to model and pose for the two of us.

If I’m being completely honest, I still doubt that I can turn out a good number of photos that I’m proud of. It took me a few days to actually look at the photos I took because I was afraid they would all be blurry, dark, or awkward. Yes I had some of those, but they weren’t as numerous as the ones that were good. I really need to learn to trust myself more – cause these images are gorgeous!

During this session I actually had a side-kick with me – my little Adam who is almost 5 months old. (Golden Hour is usually bed time hour too) He hung out with me in his Ergobaby carrier and for the entire time, almost 90 minutes, he was as chill as can be. He even started making happy baby talk. It surprised me at the end to feel his legs and find out that they were FREEZING! This kid didn’t complain once. And I’m 90% sure I hit his head with the camera strap or even camera body at least once during the session.