Family Photos at a Utah County Greenhouse

Currently, I am lucky enough to live in a house that is too large for my family. Most days I feel like it’s too big for us – some of the rooms aren’t even furnished. But during special weekends, and family events, my house is full of extended family members – like we are a family hotel or resort.

Over the last couple weeks we had my Sister-in-Law and her family staying with us. We had eight kids 9 and under in the house. And of those either, four of them were 2 and under! The place was filled with the sounds of running feet, laughter, and screaming. And the floors were covered in scattered toys, clothes and other belongings. The house definitely felt more full – and it was great.

During their stay, we planned to do their family photos. Since it’s late March here in Utah nothing is really green or blooming yet. I knew it was the perfect time then to go to a greenhouse instead of going outdoors somewhere. I’d seen other photographers do this with their clients and I had it on my “photography bucket list” to do a session at a greenhouse. And now, after having done it, I think I’m going to tell everyone to go to a greenhouse because it was that awesome. I think that it’ll be my go-to recommended place for the winter to early spring months.

Here are the reasons:

  • It’s green all year round!!
  • The light is perfect at any time of the day, as long as the sun is shining.
  • It’s a warm environment. So in the winter, it’s a way to avoid the cold and not have red cheeks and noses.
  • There was lots of variety in just one room! We spend the entire hour in there and I still felt like I could keep going and going.

Alright, if you aren’t sold you’ll just need to see the photos and then it’ll convince you that this place is perfect for taking photos. I mean for me personally, I’m now wanting to take my own family photos at a greenhouse.